Answers to Decibel Problems 5–6

5. Estimate the decibel difference corresponding to the following intensity ratios: a) 2, b) 4, c) 5, d) 8, e) 8 × 103.

Answers: (a) 3 dB, (b) 6 dB, (c) 7 dB, (d) 9 dB, (e) 39 dB.

6. Estimate the intensity ratio corresponding to each of the following decibel differences: a) 1, b) 2, c) 3, d) 4, e) 5, f) 6, g) 41, h) 52, i) 63, j) 57.

Answers: (a) 1.25, (b) 1.5, (c) 2, (d) 2.5, (e) 3, (f) 4, (g) 1.25 × 104, (h) 1.5× 105, (i) 2× 106, (j) 5 × 105.

©2013 Robert Chuckrow

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